Monday, September 9, 2013

Government, Our Military, and Racism

     The article linked above shows a very interesting and a very disappointing view of our military and our government. In this article, titled Unintended causation, written by Glenn Greenwald, it is brought to our attention that a large amount of the fuel of american racism comes from our military and our government's foreign policy and this can be contributed to the reasons why our own people are demonstrating acts of terrorism towards our own country. Greenwald talks about how our military and foreign policy teaches the american people to develop negative feelings towards people of other races and religions; and when our government is the one bombing and killing those others, who are we to condemn those who do these things in our own backyards but praise the same action when it's done over seas?
     I personally agree that a lot or our racism stems from what we learn from our government. When we send young men to 'fight for their country' by giving them a gun and pointing them in the direction of a group of people whose' vast majority is innocent and then tell that man that this group is evil, we should expect that these men will come home, pick that group out among our own country, call them evil, and respond to those people in the same way we teach them to respond to them in other countries. We should even expect for our young men to be more violent when they are home because it is their home that they believe these 'evil people' have infiltrated.
     I think that every american should read this article because it is a prime example of what our government is doing to our country.

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